All issues > Volume 30(7); 1987
- Case Report
- J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1987;30(7):812-817. Published online July 31, 1987.
- A Case of Potter Syndrome Associated with Renal Dysplasia.
- Young Woo Park1, Joon Ho Kim1, Eun Ryoung Kim1, Soon Jae Lee1, Young Chul Moon1, Young Jin Kim2
1Department of Pediatrics, Sung Ae Hospital, Seoul, Korea
2Department of Pathology, Sung Ae Hospital, Seoul, Korea
- Abstract
- Potter syndrome is relatively rare congenital defect in with agenesis or dysplasia of the kidney is
associated with oligohydramnios, pulmonary hypoplasia, characteristic facial features and other
The etiology is unknown. But various theories are reviewed and the suggestion is made that the
cause of Potter syndrome in newborns may well be multifactorial. Among the various factors, we
agree to the opinion that oligohydramnios and multifocal primary mesodermal defect may be the
cause of Potter syndrome. In rescent day, prenatal diagnosis of Potter syndrome is possible by means of
ultrasound scanning and many other methods.
We reported a case of Potter syndrome associated with renal dysplasia and a brief review of the
literature was made.
Keywords :Potter syndrome; Renal dysplasia.