All issues > Volume 30(3); 1987
- Case Report
- J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1987;30(3):309-313. Published online March 31, 1987.
- A Case of "Cri-du-Chat" Syndrome.
- Hye Lyung Baik1, Gui Sook Choi1, Joon Cho1, Moon Soo Park1, Jin Keum Chang1, Sung Woo Shin1, Shin Yong Moon2
1Department of Pediatrics, Han-Il Hospital, Seoul, Korea
2Department of Obstet and Gymecol, College of Medicine, Seoul National University
- Abstract
- A case of Cri-du-Chat syndrome was presented which was characterized by typical cat cry, staring
gaze and other common deletion syndrome.
The karyotype of it was proved to be 46, XY, (5p_) and a brief review was added for this case.
Keywords :Cri-du-Chat Syndrome, Cat-Cry Syndrome.