All issues > Volume 29(12); 1986
- Case Report
- J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1986;29(12):1393-1398. Published online December 31, 1986.
- A Case of Hunter Syndrome.
- S K Kim1, W P Chung1, H S Kim1, S H Kim1, C M Kang1
- 1Department of Pediatrics、Keimyung University, School of Medicine, Taegu, Korea
- Abstract
- Authors experienced a case of Hunter syndrome in a 5 year old girl who was admitted to
Pediatric Department of Dong-San Hospital, Keimyung University for the evaluation of
short stature and mental retardation.
Patient had characteristic peculiar features of mucopolysaccharidoses and changes in
skull, rib, vertebra and long bone radiography. Corneal clouding was absent. Screenings
test using methylene blue for mucopolysaccharidoses was positive.
The review of literatures was made briefly.
Keywords :Hunter Syndrome