All issues > Volume 29(10); 1986
- Original Article
- J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1986;29(10):1130-1137. Published online October 31, 1986.
- A Study of Frequency of Malignant Tumors in Children.
- Yang Dong Park1, Eun Sook Choi1, Hyun Gi Jung1, Jae Sun Park1
- 1Department of Pediatrics, Kosin Medical College
- Abstract
- 315 cases of malignant tumors under 15 years of age who were admitted to the Gospel
Hospital from January 1975 to December 1984 were analysed and following results were
obtained. 1) The incidence of malignances in all admitted child patient was 3.39%.
2) Childhood malignant tumors were more frequently occured in the age group of 0〜5 years.
The more prevalent tumors for the first 5 years of age were leukemia, retinoblastoma, Wilms tumor,
neuroblastoma and teratoma. 3)The male to female ratio of patients of childhood tumor was 1.75 : 1.
4) The most common childhood malignant tumor was leukemia (31.1%). The next common tumors in order of frequency were lymphoma (12.5%), retinoblastoma (9.8%), Wilms tumor (9.2%), brain tumor (6.9%), and neuroblastoma (6.5%). 5) Among total 98 cases of leukemia, 76 cases were ALL (78%), the other 22 cases (22%)
were ANLL. 6)Comparing the relative frequency of each type of malignant lymphoma to that of U.S.A.
Hodgkin’s disease was less frequent. 7) Retinoblastoma and hepatoma were relatively more prevalent comparing to the reported incidence of U.S.A.. 8) Osteosarcoma (53.8%) was the most prevalent bone tumor in childhood.
9) Among central nervous system tumor, glial series was the most common (50%).
Keywords :Childhood malignant tumors; Incidence.