All issues > Volume 29(3); 1986
- Case Report
- J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1986;29(3):332-335. Published online March 31, 1986.
- A Case of Sirenomelia.
- Moon Chung Chao1, Sae Jin Lee1, Jin Soo Jo1, Hyun Sook Kim1, Doon Seong Moon1, Chong Dae Cho1
- 1Department of Pediatrics, Maryknoll Hospital
- Abstract
- A l,500gm undetermined sex neonate was born after 30 weeks gestation to a 26 years old primipara mother.
On physical examination, he was noticed massive abnormality of the lower half of the body with absence of the anus and external genitalia and fusion of the lower extremities throughout their length.
We confirmed this case by physical examination and x-ray study. A brief review of literatures were presented.
Keywords :Sirenomelia.