All issues > Volume 29(1); 1986
- Case Report
- J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1986;29(1):95-100. Published online January 31, 1986.
- A Case of Cryptococcosis with Advanced Pulmonary Tuberculosis.
- Hi Ju Park1, Yong Joon Kim1, Sang Kun Jung1, Chan Yung Kim1
- 1
- Abstract
- This is a case of cryptococcosis accompanied by pulmonary tuberculosis and malnutrition.
The 11-year-old female patient was admitted to our hospital because of dyspnea, ascites and oliguria.
Cervical lymph node biopsy and chest X-ray were checked, which were revealed tuberculous lesions.
She was treated with amphotericin-B for 10 weeks, but didn*t complete remission at present.
Keywords :Cryptococcosis; Pulmonary tuberculosis.