All issues > Volume 28(1); 1985
- Case Report
- J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1985;28(1):68-72. Published online January 31, 1985.
- A Case of Spontaneous Gastric Perforation of the Newborn.
- Sung Won Kim, Sang Wook Song, Kyung Tae Kim, Jung Hee Lee
- 1Dept, of Ped. St. Benedict Hosp. Busan,Korea
- Abstract
- This is acase report of the gastric perforation occured in a 4 days old full-term normal bady. She had been well until 4 days of age, when vomitting was noted, and cynosis, respiratory distress, progressive abdominal distension were developed, rapidly. X-ray finding of the abdomen revealed large amount of free air under the both diaphragm,
strongly suggesting the perforation of GI tract. But, the baby was died without any surgical intervention.
At postmortem examination performed 30 hours after death, peritonitis and pneumoperitoneum was found. The stomach was ruptured at the fundus along the greater curvature(3.8XI. 5 cm). Microscopic examination revealed congenital defect of the muscular layer of the stomach such as a thin or discontinuous defect.
Keywords :Gastric perforation;Newborn