All issues > Volume 28(1); 1985
- Original Article
- J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1985;28(1):40-44. Published online January 31, 1985.
- Evaluation of Epidemic Encephalitis Vaccine.
- Kap Seoung Kim, Yeo Joong Kim, Tai Ju Kwang, Chull Sohn
- 1Department of Pediatrics,Chonnam University, Medical School, Kwangju,Korea
- Abstract
- To evaluate the effect of Epidemic Encephalitis vaccine, the authors compared vaccinated
group with non-vaccinated group at the point of morbidity, sequelae and mortality in Cho-
nnam area, 1982.
551,660 children(43.4%) out of the total 1,270,669 children who aged 3 to 15 year old
were vaccinated, and vaccinated history was confirmed 179 only out of the total 647 Epide-
mic Encephalitis patients.
The results were summaried as follows;
1) The number of Epidemic Encephalitis patients was 647 out of the total 1,270,669 chil-
dren, so morbidity rate was 51 per 100,005 population.
2) Morbidity rate between the vaccinated group and the non-vaccinated group was stati-
stically not significant(p=056).
3) Sequelae were more common in the non-vaccinated group(p<. 05), but mortality rate
between the vaccinated group and the non-vaccinated group was statistically not significant
Keywords :Encephalitis vaccine;Morbidity rate;Mortality rate;Sequelae