All issues > Volume 27(12); 1984
- Case Report
- J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1984;27(12):1223-1226. Published online December 31, 1984.
- A Case of Clinical Botulism.
- Yuoug Suk Ko1, Jung Hee Lee1, Seung Joo Lee1, Keun Lee1
- 1Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea
- Abstract
- A 5-year-old girl was admi竹ed to the department of Pediatrics, Ewha Womans University
Hospital on October 21th, 1983 with weakness and lethargy of 5 days duration. Her younger
brother expired on the same day aftsr 1 day illness of the same symptoms, and there was a
other children who died following similar clinical course in the same area.
Even though the diagnosis of botulism could not be confirmed due to lack of the labora-
tory facilities available in Korea, the clinical course as well as the electrophysiologic findi-
ngs were consistent with botulism.
The case was presented with the review of pertinent literature, and this is believed to
the first case of the botulism diagnosed in Korea.
Keywords :Botulism.