All issues > Volume 27(3); 1984
- Case Report
- J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1984;27(3):277-281. Published online March 31, 1984.
- A Case of Anomalous Origin of the Left Coronary Artery from the Pulmonary Artery.
- Young Seo Park, Gu Soo Kim, Jung Yeon Choi, Yong Soo Yun, Chang Yee Hong
- 1Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Seoul National University
- Abstract
- The anomalous origin of the left coronary from the pulmonary artery is a rare congenital cardiac anomaly and there has been no case reported in Korea. We report one case of the anomalous origin of the left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery. He was an 11 month-old male body, who was suffered from congestive heart failure
since 5 months of age. The heart sound were weak, and G 2/6 systolic murmur was audible on apex. Chest PA revealed cardiomegaly with slightly increased pulmonary vasularity. EKG findings were deep Q in I, aVL and left precordial leads, and T wave inversion in I and V6. Increased LVID and EPSS, and decreased shortening fraction were found on echocardiographic examination. There was about 10% difference in oxygen saturation between the right ventri- cle and the main pulmonary artery on the cardiac cartheterization. The left coronary artery
originated from the main pulmonary artery without any other cardiac anomaly on the angiocardiography.
Keywords :Anomalous origin of the left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery