All issues > Volume 26(12); 1983
- Case Report
- J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1983;26(12):1254-1258. Published online December 31, 1983.
- A Case of Dysplastic Kidney and Hydroureter with Distal Treterl Atresia.
- Eun Mi Kim1, Jei Hoon Yoo1, Dong Whan Lee1, Sang Jhoo Lee1, Dong Wha Lee2, Deuk Yong Kang2
1Dept, of Pediatrics,Soon Chun Hyang College, School of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
2Dipt, of Clinical Pathology, Soon Chun Hyang College, School of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
- Abstract
- We presented a case of dysplastic kidney and Hydroureter with distal ureteral atresia and
reviewed the literatures.
This 5 year old male patient with abdominal mass for 3 years was admitted and took explo-laparotomy.
The diagnosis was confirmed by explo-laparotomy and microscopic finding.
Characteristic microscopic findings of dyaplastic kidney on present case are;
1) Primitive duct, ductules and glomeruli.
2) Duct was lined by cuboidal or columnar epithelium.
3) Hyaline cartilage.
Keywords :Dysplastic Kidney; Hydroureter. -