All issues > Volume 26(10); 1983
- Original Article
- J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1983;26(10):978-985. Published online October 31, 1983.
- A Study on Factor Influencing the Prognosis of Epidermic Encephalitis.
- Sang Hyun Byun1, Koe Jong Park1, Jeong Soon Hwang1, Young Hun Chung1
- 1Department of Pediatrics, Chungnam National University, College of Medicine
- Abstract
- The purpose Qf this study is to presume the severity of epidemic encephalitis.
36 cases were selected among 81 cases of epidemic encephalitis admitted to Chungnam
National University Hospital during Jan. 1981 to Dec. 1982, and divided into clinically mild
and severe group. Two groups were compared the differences of their demographic, clinical
and laboratory findings. The parameters significantly more encountered in the severe than in
the mild group were established as follows;
1) High fever, coma and bulbar palsy.
2) Marked leukocytosis and shift to left finding on peripheral blood.
3) Increased erythrocyte count in cerebrospinal fluid.
4) Increased serum cortisol level.
5) Encephalitis not vaccinated.
Keywords :Epidemic encephalitis; prognosis