All issues > Volume 26(9); 1983
- Case Report
- J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1983;26(9):934-938. Published online September 30, 1983.
- Two Cases of Rotor Syndrome in Brothers.
- Sonn Il Kwon1, Kum Le Ko1, Jong Hun Park2, Young Soo Lim2, Dong Heuck Kum2
1Department of Pediatrics, Masan Korea General Hospital, Masan
2Department of Pediatrics, Korea General Hospital, Seoul
- Abstract
- Two cases of Rotor syndrome were observed clinically. Both cases were observed as follows;
1. Both cases were observed in a same family; They were brothers.
2. Jaundice was appsirel fro.n aboat sscoai year of life without any clinical disturbance.
3. Oral cholangiography and Ultra sonogram on abdomsn showed normal Findings and functions except slight
enlargement of liver.
4. Direct bilirubin was increased than indirect billirubin.
5. Pigment infiltration in ths Hspatic cslls was not noted and other microscopic findings of the liver were normal.
6. Nearly similar laboratory Findings were obtained 8months late r.
Keywords :Rotor syndrome in brothers; Idiopathic hyperbilirubinemia