All issues > Volume 25(11); 1982
- Case Report
- J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1982;25(11):1170-1174. Published online November 30, 1982.
- A Case of Tuberous Sclelosis with Renal Angiomyolipoma.
- H K Park, H J Park, H J Chun, M J Shin, J S Choi
1Dept, of Pediatrics, Seoul Red Croes Hospital, Seoul, Korea
2Dept, of Pathology, College of Medicine, Korea Univ.,Seoul, Korea
- Abstract
- Tuberous sclerosis is a heredofamilial disease and is a multisystem disorder affecting
primarily tissues derived from ectoderm, such as skin, eye, central and peripheral nervous
system, but also involving organs of mesodermal and endodermal origins, such as heart,
lungs, kidneys, bones and GI tract. It is characterized by classical triad of mental retard-
ation, epilepsy and angiofibroma.
We experienced a full blown case of tuberous sclerosis in 14-year old boy. He has the skin
lesions such as angiofibroma, shagreen patch, depigmented nevi and flattened fibroma, and
sclerotic bone changes, epilepsy, EEG abnormalities, calcified densities on simple X-ray and
"brain CT scan, and mental retradation. And also he has right huge renal angiomyolipoma,
which was histogically confirmed.
Herein, a case of tuberous sclerosis was presented with a brief review of the related
Keywords :Tuberous sclerosis, Angiofibroma, Shagreen patch, Depigmented nevi, Angiomyolipoma.