All issues > Volume 25(10); 1982
- Original Article
- J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1982;25(10):1046-1052. Published online October 31, 1982.
- Statistical Study for the Reasons of Artificial or Mixed Feeding and Breast Feeding.
- Woo Sik Chung, Hong In Eum, Byung Do Nam, Jung Hee Lee, Kew Tae Kim
- 1Department of Pediatrics, St. Benedict Hospital, Busan, Korea
- Abstract
- The survey was performed on 418 cases of mothers who were visited our pediatric out-
patients and well baby clinics from January to July of 1981.
The results of this survey were as follows:
1. The differentation of weight, height, chest circumference between the mothers of arti-
ficial or mixed feeding and breast feeding was not seen.
2. The average nipple length of mothers of breast feeding, artificial or mixed feeding, small
sized nipple, and underdeveloped breast was 8.16, 7.75, 3.16, 6.40 mm respectively. The
average nipple diameter WSLS 9.60, 9.67, 7.33, 8.65 mm respectively.
3. In approximate oder of decreasing frequency, the breast abnormality include retracted
nipple (39%), small sized nipple (27%), undereveloped breast (27%), and infection or illness
of breast (7%).
4. The reasons for artificial or mixed feeding were “unsatisfied breast (57%),
“abnormal "breast” (23%), “baby’s illness” (8%),“mother’s illness” (3%), “abnormal oral cavity”
(2%) and others (8%) by its frequency.
5. The reasons for unsatisfied breast milk were “No reasons” (44%), “Inadequate postpa-
rtum care” (14%), “Asthenia status” (12%), “Emotional unstability due to postpartum pain and
discomfort”(7%), “Inadequate nutrition” and “For the mother’s health”(5%) by its frequency.
6. Mother*s opinions about artificial or mixed feeding were as follows: “If areast milk is
enough, I want breast feeding”(63%), wArtificial or mixed feeding was satisfied”(35%),
and No answer(2%).
Keywords :Artificial or mixed or mixed feeding, Breast feeding, Physical difference, Reason for artificial or mixed feeding, and unstisfied breast milk.