All issues > Volume 23(10); 1980
- Case Report
- J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1980;23(10):815-821. Published online October 15, 1980.
- IntuInfantile Acute Febrile Mucocutaneous Lymph Node Syndrome Report of 4 cases.
- Hae Kwang Lee, Jin Sook Lee, Du Yong Lee, Duk Hi Kim
- 1Department of Pediatirics, Incheon Christian Hospital, Incheon, Korea.
- Abstract
- Mucocutaneous Lymph Node Syndrome(MLNS), a recently recognized entity was first reported by Dr. T. Kawasaki in Japan in 1967 and then about 12,000 cases have been reported since 1967; it is now being found in the United States, but it's etiology is still unknown. The characteristic symptoms is high fever, hypermia of conjunctivae and sclera, reddening of lips and oral cavity, palmer and solar erythema with desqumation and swelling of cervical lymph nodes. Authors insisted that this entity was quite distinct from periarteritis nodosa, Steven-Johnson syndrome, scarlet fever, erythema multiforme and in many ways. We experienced four cases of it and all cases were male and three or them were under the age of two years. All cases had the episodes of high fever, and three of them showed the characteristic symptoms of desquamation, indurtive edema and cervical lymphnodes swelling. In our cases, the fever was continued for about 13 days and desquamation appeared near the end of second weeks of illness. This disease has been treated with various antibiotics and aspirin, but the key point of treatment is how to prevent the complications. From these cases, it may be an interesting disease entity which might be evaluated by careful investigations and follow up study.
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