All issues > Volume 22(12); 1979
- Case Report
- J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1979;22(12):1087-1090. Published online December 15, 1979.
- A case of Twin to twin Transfusion Syndrome.
- Heak Sang Kwan, Heung Jae Lee, Soo Jee Moon, Soon Yong Lee
- 1Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Hanyang Univ. Hospital Seoul, Korea.
- Abstract
- A case of twin to twin transfusion syndrome is reported. These babies were disclosed severe anemia in one twin and intense plethora in another one. The different appearence was coincided with hematologic results. So, anemic patient was treated with transfusions and Plethoric one managed with vensections. Literature review was made on this subject.
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