All issues > Volume 22(9); 1979
- Case Report
- J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1979;22(9):809-813. Published online September 15, 1979.
- A Case Report of Congenital Ileal Atresia with Microcolon.
- Eun Kim, Hye Young Hwang, Dong Hwan Lee, Sang Jhoo Lee
- 1Department of Pediatrics, Soon Chun Hyang Medical College, Seoul, Korea.
- Abstract
- This is a case report of the congenital ileal atresia with disuse microcolon. The patient was a 3 day-old male newborn infant who was admitted in department of pediatrics Soon Chun Hyang Hospital with complaints of persistant vomitings, no meconium passage, and jaundice from a few hours after birth. The diagnosis was established by characteristic clinical features and barium enuma and finally confirmed by operationl. The operative findings showed that entire colon showed very narrow lumen and was associated with malrotation of the cecum, volvulus of midgut, multiple bands formation, and atresia of ileum with marked dilated proximal small bowel. It is considered that this microcolon was originated from non-use of the colon due to atreisa of the ileum. Resection of the obstructed ileum with multiple bandlysis and finally ileo-ileal end to end anastomosis were done. Microscopic findings showed that sections of cord like mass revealed marked narrowing of mucosal lumen with collections of mucus and necrotic cell debris and lack of mucosa. He was discharged 50 days after operation with favorable condition and normal finding of follow-up barium enema. A brief review of related literature was also presented.
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