All issues > Volume 21(7); 1978
- Case Report
- J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1978;21(7):552-556. Published online July 31, 1978.
- Malignant Choroid Plexus Tumor in an Infant.
- Jung Yean choi1, Bong Sik Kim1, Hyo Sup Ahn1, Chang Yee Hong1, Je Geun Chi2, Shin Kwang Khang2, Kae Yong Song2
1Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Seoul National University, Korea.
2Department of Patology, College of Medicine, Seoul National University, Korea.
- Abstract
- A 42 day-old male infant visited to our emergency room with chief complaints of convulsion. Prenatal and birth histories were unremarkable. The patient appeared well except persistent jaundice and had no signs of increased intracranial pressure. The head circumference at birth was not measured. The head circumference at 42 days was 39cm(50th percnntile) At the age of 42 days, tonic convulsion developed suddenly and soon fell into coma. The patient died, 20 hours after arrival. Postmortem examiation revealed a large necrotic tumor mass in the left lateral ventricle of the cerebral hemispheres. The tumor growths were histologically composed of partly papillary but most undifferentiated carcinoma arising from the choroid plexus of the left lateral ventricle. In addition to celluar anaplasia many mitoses were observed. The tumor masses invaded periventricular while matter and also extended to subarachnoid space of the cerebral and cerebellar hemispheres. The central part of the tumor was undergoing necrosis and massive hemorrhage which extended into surrounding brain parenchyme.
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