All issues > Volume 20(6); 1977
- Clinical Trial
- J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1977;20(6):461-466. Published online June 30, 1977.
- Clinical Trials of Galantase for Infantile Diarrhea.
- Keun Soo Lee1, Soon Yong Lee1, Ha Baik Lee1, Hyeak Sang Kwon1
- 1Department of Pediatrics, School of Medicine, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea.
- Abstract
- In 1962, Durand suggested the term primary lactose intolerance for the disorder withch resulted from a defect of the lactase activity in the intestinal mucosa. However primary lactose intolerance is rare and it is not commonly encountered in routine pediatric practice. Apart from such a primary lactose intolerance, diarrhea, meteorism, and abdominal discomfort after taking lacose containing food are more frequently encoumtered in case of gastroenteritis in which damage of the intestinal mucosa and coating of the mucosa by inflammatory secretions lead to decreased lactase it form the primary lactose intolerance. It is now considered that secondary lactose intolerance may play an important role in case of infantile diarrhea commonly encoutered in pediatric practice. The auther tried the lactase preparation Galantase?to evaluated it's clinical effect on infantile diarrhea of various kind (50 cases). Evaluation of the effect of Galantase was made on the bases of the following criteria. l Marked effective ; nature of stools and number per day returned to normal within 3 days after Galantase administration. l Effective ; nature of stools and number per day decreased within 3 days after Galantase administration. l Ineffective ; all stools remained unchainged and diarrheic. The results obtsined by this study are as followes l Marked effective ; 78 % l Effective ; 12 % l Slight effective ; 4% l Ineffective ; 6% There was no undesirable side effect observed in all 50 cases. Based upon the above effective rate, we concluded that the Galantase is a quite effective medicament for infantile diarrhea, especially for primary and secondary lactose intolerance.
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