All issues > Volume 20(4); 1977
- Original Article
- J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1977;20(4):256-264. Published online April 30, 1977.
- Clinical Assessement of Chronic Renal Failure(CRF).
- Yong Choi1, Kwang Wook Ko1
- 1Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Seoul National University, Korea.
- Abstract
- The following results were obtained on clinical assessment to 11 cases of CRF who had been admitted to the Dept. of Pediatrics, SNUH, during the period from Sept., 1970 to Jan., 1977. 1. Age and sex ratio: Two cases were below 5 years old, the other two being between 5 and 10 years old, however, most cases (7 out of 11 patients) were above 10 years old. Male to female ratio was 4.5 to 1 with male predominance. 2. Primary renal diseses were delineated in only 6 cases, the two of them were congenital dysplastic-hypoplastic kidney, the other two being nephrotic syndrome, and the remaining two were chronic glomerular disease and posterior urethral valve respectively. 3. Anemia (11 cases) was the most common symptom, then alterations in consciousness (9 cases), hypertension and vomiting(7 cases), heart failure(6 cases), growth retardation, easy fatigability (4 cases), and osteodystrophy (3 cases) were noted in the order of the frequeney. All the three cases who manifested osteodystrophy were found to be congenital renal diseases. 4. All the patients were noted to have marked decreased creatinine clearance (1.4~7.3 m;/min/1.73m2), decreased serum Ca (average 5.9mg%), elevated serum P (average 9mg%) and low fixed urine specifc gravity (average 1.010). Hponatremi (below 135 meq/L) was observed ing cases, 4 of them being (below 120 mEq/L) severe, but hyperkalemia(above 5.5mEq/L) were noted in only 4 cases and 2 of them being above 6.5mEq/L. 5. Six cases (54.5%) out of 11 patients died.
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