All issues > Volume 14(6); 1971
- Case Report
- J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1971;14(6):393-398. Published online June 30, 1971.
- A Case of Hypertension caused by Fibromuscular Hyperplasia of Renal Arteries
- C.K. Lee1, J.S. Oh1, H.S. Lee1, J.M. Kang1, S.W. Lee2
1Department of pediatrics, Presbyterian Hospital, Taegu, Korea
2Department of pediatrics, Presbyterian Hospital, Andong, Korea
- Abstract
- A case off renal hypertension due to fibromuscular hyperplasia of renal artery in 6 years old boy who relived hypertension after nephrectomy. The patient had complaints of high fever and convulsion with unconscious state.
The diagnosis was confirmed by clinical findings, radiological evidence and biopsy. The review of literature was made briefly.
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