All issues > Volume 19(7); 1976
- Original Article
- J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1976;19(7):506-511. Published online July 31, 1976.
- Clinical Observation on Rheumatic Fever in Children
- Kun Whe Kim1, Ja Hoon Koo1
- 1Deparment of Pediatrics, Kyungpook National University,School of Medicine, Taegu Korean
- Abstract
- We observed 73 patients of rheumatic fever admitted to the Dept, of Ped” Kyungpook National University Hospital from Jan. 1966 to Dec. 1974. The results obtained were as follows: 1.As far as age distribution is concerned, majority of the patients were between 6 to 15(89. 0%) and the highest incidence was on the age group 10~ 12(36. 9%) 2.Male to female sex ratio was 1 : 0.82. 3. Year distribution revieled very little significant difference.
4.Rheumatic fever more common in winter and fall than in summer. 5.Major manifestation were carditis(69.9%), polyarthritis (50.7%), choreaC2. 7%), erythema marginatum (4.1%), and Subcutaneous nodule (4.1%) while minor ones were fever (67.1%) and arthralgia (71.2%) etc. 6.In laboratory findings, leukocytosis (>10, 000/mm3) were in 47. 9% and anemia 10. 0gm%) in 38.4%. In most cases, ESR(86.3%) and ASO titer (81.4%) were elevated significantly. 7.Tachycardia was present in 51. 7%. Prolongation of P-R interval was seen in 40. 0% and prolongation of Q-T interval was in 25 % on EKG findings.
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