All issues > Volume 19(12); 1976
- Original Article
- J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1976;19(12):915-921. Published online December 31, 1976.
- Electrophoretic Patterns of the Serum Protein in Viral Hepatitis
- Hea Sook Kwon1, Young Ki Jang1, Don Hee Ahn1, Keun Chan Sohn1, Moung Joon Cho2
1Dept, of Pediatrics,National Medical Center,Seoul,Korea
2Dept, of Biochemistry, National Medical Center,Seoul,Korea
- Abstract
- In 32 cases of viral hepatitis electrophoresis of serum was performed by cellulose acetate membrane method and the results were compared to 20 cases of control group. 1.The distribution of the serum protein fractions on admission; The mean albumin were decreased and y-globulin increased to 51.5±4.99% and 22.6±4.85%,respectively comparing to 57.6+3.42% and 16.5+1.88% of control group. The total protein and other fractions revealed minimalchanges. 2.There was no significant differences between both sexes and different age groups.
3.The electrophoretic patterns in relation to jaundice; In preicteric phase, the albumin fraction was slightly decreased while 7-globulin fraction was slightly increased. In icteric phase, the albumin fraction was decreased a little more but the y-globulin fraction was much more markedly decreased. 4.The changes of the electrophoretic patterns comparing to clinical causes and other L.F.T. results; Initial data consisting of the decrement of the albumin and the increment of 7-globulin fraction with relatively normal range of other fractions returned to normal with the recoverly of the disease as well as the other routine L.F.T. results.
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