All issues > Volume 10(3); 1967
- Case Report
- J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1967;10(3):173-176. Published online March 31, 1967.
- Acute Accidental Isoniazid Poisoning(Report of Two Cases in Children)
- Ki Yong Sohn1, Young Hwan Chung1, Hyun Woo Kim1, Mi Na Lee1, Keun Soo Lee1
- 1Department of Pediatrics, National Medical Center,Seoul Korea
- Abstract
- With the common use of isoniazid, the problem of accidental poisoning is inevitable in Korea. Only five cases of acute isoniazid poisoning were reported in the English literature until 1963. Since the opening of the National Medical Center in 1958, we have experienced two accidental cases of acute poisoning from an overdose of isoniazid in children. Case 1, a 33-month-old girl, ingested approximately 1,000 mg of isoniazid and developed irritability, flushing, sweating and high fever one and a half hour later; followed by vomiting and convulsions.
She was successfully given anti-convulsive drugs and pyridoxine as well as symptomatic treatment. Case 2, a 26-month-old boy, was estimated to have invested 1,200 mg isoniazid and had convuls ions two hours later. The patient was treated with pyridoxine and symptomatically. He recovered, but an electroencephalogram after sedative drugs on the eighth hospital day was interpreted as being "slightly abnormal”. Abnormal physical findings were not detectable when the patient was seen at the out-patient department one month later.
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