All issues > Volume 18(5); 1975
- Original Article
- J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1975;18(5):349-366. Published online May 31, 1975.
- Studies on the Effect of Undaria Pinnatifida on Serum Chemical Ccmiponents in Kid Rabbits
- Ki Dae Choi1
- 1Choi Pediatric Clinic, Busan
- Abstract
- 1.Against the belief that Korean is characterized anthropologiclly by its brachycephalic skulU it is curious that Korean newborns show dolichocephalic skull as the other races. Korean women customarily take Undaria pinnatifida soup for about three to four weeks after delivery with traditional racial belief that acceleration of milk secretion and clearing of uterus are achieved by the sea weed. To determine the relation between the long standing feeding of Undaria sea weed of Korean women after delivery and aletration of skull shape of the new
born or infant, on the serum of the Kid rabbits, the following fourteen components are determined chemically, after feeding of Undaria pinnatifida added to the basal diet, glucose, B. U.N., total protein, albumin chloride, sodium, potassium, calcium, inorgqnic phosphorus, alkaline phosphatase, CO2 combining power, total bilirubin, SGOT, and total cholesterol. 2.The experimental group is fed by 2 grams of air dried Undaria pinnati-fida per 100 grams: of sum total body weight of mother and kid rabbits per day upon the basal diet for forty days. The experimental group revealed sigificant decrease of the foilowing serum components compared to the control group: calcium, total protein, total cholesterol, SGOT, alkaline phosphatase. P<0.01 These results suggest that the Undaria pinnatifida may cause generalized, metabolic changes as changes in calcium metabolism. 3. Significant decrease of total serum cholesterol, alkaline phosphatase, and SCOT is seenin the experimental group fed by 0. 3 mg Iodine (iodine content of 2. 0 gm of Undaria) per 100 gm of sum total body weight of mother and kid rabbits, compared to the control group. P<0. 01 4.The experimental group fed by 0. 4gm sodium alginate (sodiuiit alginate content of 2. Ogni of Undaria) per 100gm of sum total body weight of mother and ltid rabbits per day revealed. significant decrease of calcium and alkaline phosphatase compared to the control group. p<0,01, 5.The experimental group fed 0. 4gm of Undaria per lOOgm of sum total body weight of mother and kid rabbits per day showed significant decrease of alkaline pohsphatase and SGOT. p<0. 01 6.The exprimental group fed by 0. 08gm sodium alginate (sodium alignate content in 0. 4gm: of Undaria) per 100 grams of sum total body weight of mother and kid rabbits per day revealed, significant increase of total protein and calcium and significant decrase of alkaline phosphatase and SGOT. p<0.01
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