All issues > Volume 17(4); 1974
- Case Report
- J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1974;17(4):289-292. Published online April 30, 1974.
- A Case of Stevens-Johnson Syndrome (Erythema Multiforme Exudativum)
- Jung Mohk Suh1, Byung Bae Kwon1, Dae Hyun Cho1, Young Cheol Sohn1, Young Hae Park1
- 1Department of Pediatrics, Fatima Hospital Daegu, Korea
- Abstract
- A case of succesfully treated Stevens-Johnson Syndrome in four-year-old boy was presented.
The patient was suffered from generalized eruptions, high fever, dyspnea, cough, congjunctivitis,
and stomatitis developed following the 5 days, treatment on the pneumonia with the chloram
phenicol syrup and certain antipyretics during the course of the measles.
The authors report a case with the review of the pertinent literatures.
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