All issues > Volume 13(4); 1970
- Original Article
- J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1970;13(4):215-218. Published online April 30, 1970.
- Total Lipids Content of Breast Milk among Koreans
- Sang Ha Nam1, Dong Lim Yoo1, Young Hae Park1, Tae Hoe Chung2
1Department of Pediatrics, Fatima Hospital Taegu, Korea
2Department of Biochemistry, Kyungpook National University School of Medicine Taegu, Korea
- Abstract
- On the purpose of studying on breast feeding in Korea, the initial survey is carried out by the determination of the total lipids content of the breast milk, and following results are obtanined: 1.The average amoant of the total lipids of mature milk was 3. 03 gm/1 00ml with the range between 1, 5 to 4. 8gm/100mI. There was no significant in the values among each stage group of lactation. 2.The average amount of the total lipids of colostrum was 3.10 gm/100 ml with the range between 2. 45 to 4. 3 gm/100 ml. However, it seemed to be slightly increased in value than that of the mature milk, there was no significant differences between them.
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