All issues > Volume 13(4); 1970
- Case Report
- J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1970;13(4):219-222. Published online April 30, 1970.
- A Case Report of the Sturge-Weber Syndrome
- Ki Yong Park1, Chung Kyu Kim1, Sung Hoon Cho1, Chang Nak Choi2
1Department of Pediatrics, Catholic Medical College Seoul, Korea
2Department of Neuro-Surgery Catholic Medical College Seoul, Korea
- Abstract
- This is a case report of the Sturge-Weber Syndrome. The case was a 10-year-old girl who entered at Dept, of Pediatrics, St. Mary’s hospital in July 1969 with complaints of headache, vomiting and pain in the both lower extremities. The diagnosis was established by characteristics features of Sturge-Weber Syndrome such as portwine nevus, convulsive disorder, some degree of metal retardation and typical intracranial calcification in left paietooccipital area.
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