All issues > Volume 11(7); 1968
- Case Report
- J Korean Pediatr Soc. 1968;11(7):385-390. Published online July 31, 1968.
- A Case Report of Weber-Christian Disease
- Nam Jae Rhim1, Yong Ae Lee1, Yong Woo Hong1, Kwang Wook Ko1, Hyo Suk Park2, Soo II Chin3
1Dept, of Pediatrics,College of Medicine,Seoul National University,Seoul, Korea
2Department of Pathology,College of Medicine,Seoul National University,Seoul, Korea
3Department of Radiology,College of Medicine,Seoul National University,Seoul, Korea
- Abstract
- This is a case report of the Weber-Christian Disease that was diagnosed at Dept, of Pediatrics. S.N.U.H.
in May 1968. The case was a 7-year-old boy who entered the hospital with complaints of pain
in the both lower extremities, generalized edema and palpable nodules in all extremities with mild fever.
There were no remarkable prodromal symptoms, such as chronic nausea, vomiting, epigastric pain
and tenderness, except anorexia and mild fever.
Fever fluctuated throughout the course, even in mild degrees. Nodules were small at the onset.
They waxed and waned in size, disappearing and reappearing, until they reached the thumb-size to wall-nut size.
The Diagnosis was established by clinical history, physical examinations and various indispensable
measures including X-ray examinations, skin biopsy.
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