Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics




Previous issues

Article 64(11); Nov 2021
Effects of nasopharyngeal microbiota in respiratory infections and allergies
Hyun Mi Kang, Jin Han Kang
Clin Exp Pediatr. 2021;64(11):543-551.
Changes in health status of North Korean children and emerging health challenges of North Korean refugee children
Seong-Woo Choi
Clin Exp Pediatr. 2021;64(11):552-558.
Update on infantile hemangioma
Hye Lim Jung
Clin Exp Pediatr. 2021;64(11):559-572.
Infantile hemangioma: timely diagnosis and treatment
Meerim Park
Clin Exp Pediatr. 2021;64(11):573-574.
The global prevalence of Toxocara spp. in pediatrics: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Behnam Abedi, Mehran Akbari, Sahar KhodaShenas et al.
Clin Exp Pediatr. 2021;64(11):575-581.
Assessment of cardiac function in syncopal children without organic causes
Heoungjin Kim, Lucy Youngmin Eun
Clin Exp Pediatr. 2021;64(11):582-587.
Risk factors for childhood pneumonia: a case-control study in a high prevalence area in Indonesia
Vivi Ninda Sutriana, Mei Neni Sitaresmi, Abdul Wahab
Clin Exp Pediatr. 2021;64(11):588-595.
A neonate infected with coronavirus disease 2019 with severe symptoms suggestive of multisystem inflammatory syndrome in childhood
Fatemeh Eghbalian, Ghazal Sami, Saeid Bashirian et al.
Clin Exp Pediatr. 2021;64(11):596-598.
Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children and Kawasaki disease in infants: 2 sides of the same coin?
Hing Cheong Kok, Dinesh Nair, Ke Juin Wong et al.
Clin Exp Pediatr. 2021;64(11):599-601.

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