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Measles Specific IgG Antibody Level of Term Pregnant Women and Neonatal Umbilical Cords

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1996;39(9):1224-1230.
Published online September 15, 1996.
Measles Specific IgG Antibody Level of Term Pregnant Women and Neonatal Umbilical Cords
Hee Yeon Park, Young Kyoo Shin, Ji Tae Choung, Young Chang Tockgo
Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Korea University, Seoul, Korea
산모와 신생아의 홍역항체가
박희연, 신영규, 정지태, 독고영창
고려대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
: Despite appropriate preventive measures, measles outbreaks occurred in the year of 1989-1990 and 1994 in Korea. Especially, the ratio of young infantile patients below 15 months old was high in those outbreaks, and the reason was, we thought, low serum level of measles specific IgG antibody in pregnant women and low transplacental transfer rate of measles specific IgG antibody to neonate. This study was performed to evaluate the serum level of measles specific IgG antibody in term pregnant women- neonate pairs.
: During Oct. 1. 1994 to Mar. 31. 1995, we collected the 44 paired sera of term pregnant women and their neonate(umbilical cord) in Anam hospital of Korea university medical center and then we measured the measles specific IgG antibody using enzyme linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA: Sigma Diagnostics, SIATM Measles IgG Kit)
: 1) There was close relationship between maternal and neonatal umbilical cord sera in the level of measles specific IgG antibody(r=0.9288, p<0.001). 2) The mean antibody level of neonates was higher than that of mothers by 1.4 times (p<0.05). 3) The seropositivity of measles specific IgG antibody in term pregnant women was 45.5%(20/44) and that of neonatal umbilical cord was 56.8%(25/44)
: Above results demonstrates that the seropositivities and levels of measles specific IgG antibody in term pregnant women and neonates were lower than expected value and partially explain the reasons for the recent measles epidemic in Korea.
Key Words: Measles, IgG Antibody, Umbilical Cord. Pregnant Women

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