Author’s checklist

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  • Author’s checklist
We recommend that the authors use the check list provided by the journal.
  • □ Provide a covering letter stating the material has not been published previously, will not be submitted for publication elsewhere, and stating conflicts of interest of all listed authors, if any.
  • □ Ensure all listed authors have read the final manuscript and agree with the submission.
  • □ Include written permission from publishers to reproduce or adapt previously published illustrations or tables.
  • □ The manuscript must be typed in MS Word, with a 12-point font and double-spaced on A4 pages.
  • □ Article layout should follow this sequence: Title page, abstract and keywords, key message (≤70 words), graphical abstract (recommended), introduction, methods, results, discussion, acknowledgments, references, tables, figure legends, and figures in the original article.
  • □ All pages should be numbered consecutively starting with the title page.
  • □ Line numbers should be inserted consecutively starting with the title page.
  • □ Title page with article title, authors full name(s), degree and affiliation, running title (less than 10 words), address for correspondence (including telephone and e-mail address), funding, conflict of interests, author contribution (ORCiD number) and footnotes, if any.
  • □ Provide an abstract in a structured format for original articles and in an unstructured format for review articles (maximum of 300 words), and keywords as in MeSH.
  • □ References should be listed in a proper format. Check that all references listed in the references section are cited in the text and vice versa.
  • □ By reading the table title and any footnotes, the reader should be able to understand the main findings presented in the table without looking at the main text of the article.
  • □ By reading the figure legend, the reader should be able to understand the main findings presented in the figure without looking at the main text of the article.
  • □ Generic names are used for all drugs. Trade names are avoided.
  • □ If the manuscript contains clinical information that could identify the patient, it must explicitly state in the main text that signed consent has been obtained from the patient and/or guardian for the use of personal information and publication.
  • □ If generative AI technology (language models, machine learning, or similar technologies) used in any part of this research or in the assistance of writing this manuscript (Note: this does not include basic tools for checking grammar, spelling, references, etc.), the authors should provide explicitly a brief description on the utilized generative AI technology in the Acknowledgment or Methods section of the manuscript and Authors take responsibility for the integrity of the content generated by these tools.


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