A Clinical Study of Reye`s Syndrome. |
Young Seo Park, Hwan Jong Lee, Sang Pok Suk, Jeong Kee Seo, Kwang Wook Ko |
Dept, of Pediatrics,College of Medicine,Seoul National University |
Reye증후군에 대한 임상적 고찰 |
박영서, 이환종, 석상복, 서정기, 고광욱 |
서울대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실 |
Abstract |
Seventy-four cases of Reye’s syndrome, diagnosed during the period of 1978-1983 at the
Pediatric ward of Seoul National University Hospital, were studied on the clinical features
and laboratory findings.
The following results were obtained;
1) The annual incidence was increasing year by year and the monthly incidence was highest in September.
2) The sex ratio of male to female was 1.2:1. The highest incidence was showed between 7 and 12 months of age, and most of cases(73%) were under the 2 years of age. 3) The prodromal illness was present in 89% of cases.
4) The main clinical symptoms were disturbed consciousness(100%), vomiting(54%). fever (54%), hyperpnea(54%), seizure (53%) and diarrhea(6%). The hepatomegaly was noticed in
41% of cases and the mild jaundice was noticed in 6% of cases.
5) According to Lovejoy’s classification, the majority of cases were in stage H or above on admission (64%).
The higher the stage, the higher the mortality.
6) The mortality was high in patients with the following laboratory findings.
a) GOT≧300U/L
b) LDH≧500 IU/L
c) Ammonia>300 microgm/dl
7) The average mortality was 53%.
Key Words:
Reye’s Syndrome.