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Clinical Observations On Neonatal Tetanus.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1977;20(5):377-383.
Published online May 31, 1977.
Clinical Observations On Neonatal Tetanus.
Kun Soo Lee, Kwang Tae Chung, Jong Hwan Kim
Department of pediatrics, School of Medicine, Kyungpook National university, Taegu, Korea.
신생아 파상풍의 임상적 관찰
이건수, 정광태, 김종환
경북대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
Total 114 cases of the patients of nenatal tetanus were clinically evaluated who were admitted to the Department of Pediatrics, Kyungpook National University hospital from Jan. 1967 to Aug. 1976. The results were as follows; 1. The unmber of patients yearly means were about 12 cases whics was 2.7% of total admitted patients of Pediatrics. 2. There was revealed the high incidence of the male than the female and its ratio was about 2.5:1. 3. The mortality rate was 50.6% 4. Home delivery with no sanitory facilities was a problem of the neonatal tetanus. 5. The majority of patients (85.4%) were 4-8 days of age on admission. It is clear that recovery correlates more closely with the age of admission. Patients with on admission over 7 dqys had a good prognosis. 6. The 101 cases out of the total 75 cases were admitted during 3 dys after onset that death was related to complication. 7. The most common chief complaints on admission were poor sucking (97.4%), trismus, (95.6%), and cdnvlsion (93.0%). 8. Hypothermia and hyperpyrexia was significantly correlated with mortality. 9. The main complications were pneumonia, hyperpyrexia and asphyxia which showed poor prognosis.

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