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Clinical Studies on Typhoid Fever in Children

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1975;18(6):443-452.
Published online June 30, 1975.
Clinical Studies on Typhoid Fever in Children
Kee Surk Park, Joo Ryong Kim, Chong Moo Park
Department of Pediatrics, Hanyang University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
小兒期 腸티프스에 關한 硏究
朴洪親, 金周龍, 朴鍾芮
漢陽大學校 醫科大學 小兒科學敎室
During the last 2 years and 6 months which was from May, 1972 to November, 1974, 120 cases of typhoid fever were admitted to the Department of Pediatrics, Hanyang University Hospital, and evaluated clinically. Following could be summarized. 1) The seasonal incidence was prominent in July to September (60.8%). It was more common in boy than girl, 60.8% and 39. 2%. The peak age group was from 6 to 10 years old (52.2%) and the youngest case was 1 year and 2 months old boy. The 85.0% of cases were admitted within less than 2 weeks after onset of the illness. 2)The chief complaints on admission were fever (96.4%), nausea and vomiting (35.8%), abdominal pain (35.0%), headache (20.0%), diarrhea (17.6%), and anorexia (14.2%). On the physical examination, fever(90.0%), hepatomegaly(68.3%), abdominal tenderness(37.7%) coated tongue (29.6%), and splenomegaly〔15.0%) were noted. The rose spots were found in only 3 cases (2. 5%), and relative bradycardia could be seen more markedly in above 8 years of age. 3)Laboratory findings were as follows; Leukopenia was 33.3% and absolute leukopenia 4.2% only. Anemia was present in 25.8%, however, there were no any cases of which Hb. level is less than 8gm%. The positive bacteriologic cultures were low in incidence, which were 26.1% of blood, 15.1% of stool. Widal test was positive in 74.2% of the cases and the incidence of positive tests were increased rapidly from the 2nd week of the illness. The positive Widal test was higher in nontreated group than treated group before admission, and vaccinated group than nonvaccinated group. 4)The period required for defervescence was 4. 3 days with ampicillin only, 4. 2 days with C-M only, 3.8 days with ampicillin and C-M, 3. 5 days with ampicillin and Bactrim, 3. 3 days with C-M and Bactrim, and 4 days with Bactrim only. The associated diseases were meningitis, pneumonia, tonsillitis, and hepatitis.

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