Clinical Studies on Congenital Syphilis in Korean Newborns and Infants |
Yong Soon Yoo, Choon Ji Soe, Byong Ho Lee, Du Bong Lee |
Department of Pediatrics, Catholic Medical College |
先天梅毒에 對한 臨床觀察 |
柳奉順, 徐春枝, 李街臭, 李斗鳳 |
가톨릭醫科大學 小兒科學敎室 |
Abstract |
The authors observed clinically 25 cases of congenital syphilis in Korean infants, treated at the pediatric ward and out-patient clinic St. Mary’s Hospital, Catholic Medical College, during the period from Jan. 1966 to Aug. 1968. 1.The incidence of congenital syphilis in newborn infants who was delivered at our nursery (0.34%) in 1967, was more higher than the previous years. 2.Clinical manifestations were already developed at newborn period in 20 cases (80%). 3.Sixteen cases (80%) were premature infants. 4.The order of frequency of common clinical
anifestations was anemia (100%), skin desquamation at palms and soles (56%), hepatosplenomegaly (56%),jaundice (50%) and bony changes on X-ray films (28%). 5.In serogic test (V.D.R.L.), nine of 25 cases showed the higher serologic titer near four folds of mother’s. 6.Four (16%) of 25 cases were expired and three of them were died within 48 hours after birth. 7.The associated complications were impetigo(3), septicemia(1), pneumonia(l), meningitis(l), hepatitis(3) and granulomatous anterior uveitis(l). * Head of the Department