A Case of W-P-W Syndrome Associated with Myocardiopathy |
Kee Tae Kim, Joeng Sook Park, Du Bong Lee |
Department of Pediatrics, Catholic Medical College |
心筋疾患을 同伴한 W-P-W 症候群의 1 例 |
金基泰, 朴貞澈, 李斗鳳 |
가톨릭醫科大學 小兒科學敎室 |
Abstract |
A 14 year-old-boy, who had W-P-W syndrome associated with cardiac enlargement and congestive heart failure was presented. His electrocardiographic pattern showed the high amplitude R waves in all chest leads with typical
QRS slurring, delta waves and shortened P-R interval. Also auricular paroxysmal tachycardia was noted. On physical examination, loss of strength of the quadriceps tenderness of the calves, angular stomatitis, glossitis and dermatitis were found. These symptoms of Vitamin B deficiency and cardiac failure were subsided 7 days after the Vitamin
therapy was began.