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The Study on Extracardiac Anomalies Associated with Congenital Heart Diseases

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1992;35(1):26-33.
Published online January 15, 1992.
The Study on Extracardiac Anomalies Associated with Congenital Heart Diseases
Kye Hwan Seol, Kang Won Lee, Chang Sung Son, Joo Woo Lee, Young Chang Tockgo
Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Korea University, Seoul, Korea
선천성 심질환에 동반되는 심장외 기형에 대한 고찰
설계환, 이강우, 손창성, 이주원, 독고영창
고려대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
or vice versa. But any specific association pattern of anomalies have remained unestablished despite of many researcherss efforts. Knowledge of the likely association of CHD and extracardiac anomalies may allow us to expect certain disturbances and to correct them, and lower the mortality and morbidity rates in children with CHD. The authors conducted this study in the hope of establishing a specific pattern of association between extracardic anomalies and CHD by evaluating the frequency of extracardic anomalies associated with CHD. The results obstained were as follows: 1) Of 481 patients with CHD, 90 cases (18.7%) were accompanied by extracardic anomalies. 2) CHD with frequent association of extracardic anomalies were as follows in order of decreasing frequency: malposition, single ventricle, endocardial cushion defect, tetralogy of fallot, complex coarctation of aorta, complex ventricular septal defect, patent ductus arteriosus. 3) The systems involved in extracardic anomalies were as follwos, in order of decraesing frequency; chromosomal anomaly, musculoskeletal system, gastrointestinal system, respiratory system, genitourinary system, and central nervous system.
Key Words: Congenetal heart diseases, Extracardiac anomalies

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