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Clinical Observation of Meconium Aspiration Syndrome: Prognostic Implication of Early Meconium Suctioning

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1992;35(4):484-491.
Published online April 15, 1992.
Clinical Observation of Meconium Aspiration Syndrome: Prognostic Implication of Early Meconium Suctioning
Dae Hyun Kim, Dong Hoon Ko, Young Jong Woo, Young Youn Choi, Tae Ju Hwang
Department of Pediatrics, School of Medicine, Chungnam National University, Chonnam, Korea
태변 흡인 증후군의 임상적 고찰 : 조기 태변흡입이 예후에 미치는 영향
김대현, 고동훈, 우영종, 최영륜, 황태주
전남대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
The authors observed the clinical findings of 36 patients with meconium aspiration syndrome(MAS) to evaluate the effect of early appropriated meconium suctioning on the morbidity and mortality of the syndrome. Patients in the study group, 20 babies born in Chonnam university Hospital, received appropriate meconium suction through endotracheal tube during and rig-ht after the delivery, while the patients in the comparison group did not receive appropriate, th-orough suction(16 babies born out of the Hospital). 1) Overall incidence of MAS was 0.71% and incidence according to the modes of delivery was 1.15% in C-section delivery and 0.06% in vaginal delivery but it was not statistically significant by C-section. 2) Preeclampsia, eclampsia and spontaneous premature rupture of membrane were the major risk factors(66.7% of total) associating with MAS. 3) Among the patients with MAS, gestational age less than 37th week were 2.8% and weight less than 2,500gm 22.2%. 4) 1-minute Apgar score was 6¡¾3.1 in study group and 4¡¾2.3 in comparison group but th ere was no significant differences. Mean hospital stay were not different for the study group(8.7¡¾4.3) and for the comparison group(10.9¡¾1.17). 5) Mortality rate was 15.0% for the study group, lower than that for the comparison group(25. 0%), but there was no significant difference. Sum of the mortality and morbidity rate was 20.0% in the study group, while 37.5% in the comparison group, although they were not different significantly.
Key Words: Meconium Aspiration Syndrome(MAS), Early Appropriate Meconium Suction, Mortality, Morbidity

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