A Case of Seronegative Enthesopathy and Arthropathy Syndrome (SEA Syndrome) |
Il Su Kim, Jae Yoon Kim, Byung Su Cho, Sung Ho Cha, Chang Il Ahn |
Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Korea |
Seronegative Enthesopathy and Arthropathy(SEA) 증후군 1례 |
김일수, 김재윤, 조병수, 차성호, 안창일 |
경희대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실 |
Abstract |
Seronegative enthesopathy and arthropathy (SEA) syndrome is characterized by male predominance, late age onset, positive family histories of arthritis, oligoarthropathy, axial skeleton involvement, the presence of the B27 histocompatiboility antigen. It has been reported by Rosenberg and Petty in 1982. Early recognition of this syndrome destined to develop seronegative spondyiarthropathy is necessary to prevent axial spine dysfunction and defomity and to improve symptomes and signs using early pharmacologic agent.
We have experienced a case of SEA syndrome. A 8-year-old boy with pain and swelling on right ankle for lyear was admitted and treated as JRA but the symtome was not improved. Both rheumatoid factor and ANA were negative, HLA-B27 was positive. |
Key Words:
Enthesopathy, Arthropathy, Spondylarthropathy |