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A Significance of the Sinusitis in Asthma of Chileren

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1992;35(11):1537-1545.
Published online November 15, 1992.
A Significance of the Sinusitis in Asthma of Chileren
Kyong Og Ko, Young Hun Chung
Department of Pediatrics, Chungnam National University College of Medicine Taejon, Korea
기관지 천식 환아에서 부비동염의 의의
고경옥, 정용헌
충남대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
It has long been recognized that sinusitis are commonly associated with asthma. Studies have observe a high coincidence of asthma and sinusitis. Despite observations of thease findings, a direct cause and effect relationship remains to be estabilished. So this study was undertaken to evaluate the relationship of bronchial asthma and sinusitis. 96 asthmatics and 127 non-asthmatic controls in children were taken Water뭩 view. The author compared the finding of Water's view of asthma patients with that of controls. Thereafter among subgroups of asthma only, asthma combined with sinusitis, and sinusitis only, clinical and laboratory findings were reviewed respectively. The results were as follows: 1. In asthmatics, the association rate of sinusitis was 63.5%. It was significantly higher than that of control (31.5%). 2. In asthma the most prevalent finding of involving sinusitis was bilateral mucosal thickening and a finding of unilateral total opacification of sinus was relatively more common in non-asthmatic controls. 3. Comparable study among subgroups were summarized as belows: 1) In comparison by age, no difference in the presence of sinusitis was noted in asthma group but in the group of sinusitis only, a proportion of elder age group was high. 2) No differences of main symptoms between the groups of asthma only and asthma with sinusitis were noted, but major symptoms of patient with asthma only were coughing, nasal stuffiness and mild fever. 3) Atopy incidence was higher in the group with asthma than that with sinusitis or not. 4) In group of sinusitis with asthma, the CRP positivity, as a criteria for inflammation, was significantly higher than that of asthma only. But as an allergy criteria, eosionphilia (≥6%) and elevation of IgE were not different between two goups. 4. With the respect to the degree of asthma, sinusitis was more frequently involved in group with moderate or severe degree of asthma and all the three cases of bronchodilator-nonresponder accompained sinusitis. As a result of thease, authors confirmed the close relationship between bronchial asthma and sinusitis and also the sinusitis influenced the degree of asthma. In the early evaluation of childhood bronchial asthma, authors recommended to take X-ray view of paranasal sinuses and more comprehensive study for determination of a clear relationship of cause and effect between sinusitis and asthma.
Key Words: Bronchial asthma, Sinusitis

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