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Neonatal Mortality

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1993;36(3):356-363.
Published online March 15, 1993.
Neonatal Mortality
Min Jeong Kim, Eun Eui Kim, Ock Seung Jeong, Son Sang Seo
Department of Pediatrics, Il Sin Christain Hospital, Pusan, Korea
주산기 사망에 대한 고찰
김민정, 김은의, 정옥승, 서손상
일신기독병원 소아과
A review of all 919 perinatal deaths occuring in Il Sin Christian Hospital From 91985 to 1989 was carried out. The results of clinical analysis were as follows : 1) The overall perinatal mortality rate was 26.30 per 1,000 birth. 2) The perinatal mortality rate was lowest in the gestation group between 37~41 week and in the weight group between 2,501~4,000gm. 3) The perinatal mortality rate was high in the age group under 20 and 40 and more. 4) The perinatal mortality rate was increased with an increasing number of parity. 5) The majority of neonatal deaths occurred within 24 hours of life, and the most common cause of death was prematurity. 6) The most common congesital anomaly was multiple anomaly, and the most common single anomaly was anencephaly. 7) In pregnancy, the most common maternal complication was anemia.
Key Words: Perinatal mortality

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