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Influenza Epidemic in the Pediatric Patients in Seoul 1991

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1993;36(3):379-385.
Published online March 15, 1993.
Influenza Epidemic in the Pediatric Patients in Seoul 1991
Hyun Mi Kim1, Se Ho Oh1, Eun Young Cho1, Ki Soo Kim1, Young Seo Park1, Hyung Nam Moon1, Chang Yee Hong1, Young Suhn Kim2, Kee Duk Park2
1Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, University of Ulsan, Seoul, Korea
2National Institute of Health
1991년 서울지역 소아에서 유행한 인플루엔자
김현미1, 오세호1, 조은영1, 김기수1, 박영서1, 문형남1, 홍창의1, 김영선2, 박기덕2
1울산대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
2국립보건원 호흡기병독과
Influenza virus culture was performed in 149 patients with influenza-like illness who were admitted or visited to the Department of Pediatrics, Asan Medical Center from january 1991 to March,1991. The results were as follows : 1) Of the total 149 patients, influenza virus were isolated in the 15 cases. : 15 isolates were characterized by the WHO Collaborating Center for influenza : 7 cases were very similar to influenza A/Taiwan/1/86(H1N1), 1 case was A/Beijing/353/89(H3N2), 7 cases were B/Guangdon-g/55/89. 2) The age of 15 patients who were confirmed by viral isolation was between 11 months to 10 years. 3) The most common clinical symptoms were fever, vomiting, cough, nausea in decreasing order. 4) Of the total 149 patients, Reye syndrome occured in two patients and myositis occured in one : Influenza A/Taiwan/1/86(H1N1)virus was isolated in one Reye syndrome patient.
Key Words: Influenza virus

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