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A Case of Cavernous Lymphangioma in Mediastinum

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1993;36(3):417-422.
Published online March 15, 1993.
A Case of Cavernous Lymphangioma in Mediastinum
Jin Kee Jung1, Sang Du Lee1, Kee Yong Park1, Dock Yong Chung2, Mi Sun Lee3, Jong Gun Kim4
1Department of Pediatrics, Sun General Hospital, Daejeon, Korea
2Department of Chest Surgery, Sun General Hospital, Daejeon, Korea
3Department of Parthology, Sun General Hospital, Daejeon, Korea
4Department of Radiology, Sun General Hospital, Daejeon, Korea
종격동 해면상 림프관종 1례
정진기1, 이상두1, 박기용1, 정덕용2, 이미선3, 김종건4
1영훈재단 대전 선병원 소아과
2영훈재단 대전 선병원 흉부외과
3영훈재단 대전 선병원 해부병리과
4영훈재단 대전 선병원 진단방사선과
Cavernous lymphangioma in mediastinum is a rare congenital malformation of lymphatic system and is caused by lack of adequate drainage from the sequestrated lymphatic vessels to the venous system due to insufficiency or atresia of the efferent lymphatic channels The authors experienced 10 month-old male patient with cavernous lymphangioma in mediastinum documented by chest CT and open biopsy. The review of the literature was made briefly.
Key Words: Cavernous lymphangioma, Mediastinum

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