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Assessment by Question-Naire of Disease Status of the Pupils in Two Primary Schools in Seoul

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1993;36(7):994-1001.
Published online July 15, 1993.
Assessment by Question-Naire of Disease Status of the Pupils in Two Primary Schools in Seoul
Jae Kyung Choi, Nam Soo Kim, Soo Jee Moon, Hahng Lee
Department of Pediatrics, School of Medicine, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea
서울시내 2개 국민학교 학동에서의 설문지를 통한 질병상태 평가
최재경, 김남수, 문수지, 이항
한양대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
We studied the disease status by question-naire in Seoul of the pupils in two primary schools on May, 1991 and carried out statistical analysis of their results. The following results were observed: 1) Total number of answered pupil was 2330;1103 were male and 1227 were female and the ratio of male to female was 1:1.1. Average age was 9.27 years. 2) Number of the pupil with any present illness described was 499 (21.4%). Majority was as follows: ① Respiratory system diseases; 358 (71.7%) ② Skin & Subcutaneous tissue diseases: 36 (7.2%) ③ Circulatory system diseases; 14 (2.8%) ④ Infectious diseases; 11 (2.2%) ⑤ Trauma; 7 (1.4%) 3) Number of the pupil with any disease on treatment was 225 (9.7%). Majority was as follows: ① Respiratory system diseases; 108 among 358 ② Skin & Subcutaneous diseases; 22 among 36 ③ Infectious diseases; 11 among 11 ④ Trauma; 3 among 7 ⑤ Mental disorders; 1 among 6 4) Number of the pupil with the part history of diseases described was 561 (24.1%). Majority was as follows; ① Respiratory system diseases; 217 (38.7%) ② Infectious diseases; 105 (18.7%) ③ Trauma; 74 (13.2%) ④ Nervous system & Sense organ diseases; 39 (7.0%) ⑤ Digestive system diseases; 27 (4.8%) 5) Number of the pupils with the part hospitalization history was 190 (8.2%). Majority was as follows; ① Respiratory system diseases; 48 (25.3%) ② Trauma; 41 (21.6%) ③ Infectious diseases; 18 (9.5%) ④ Genitourinary system diseases; 9 (4.7%) ⑤ Digestive system diseases; 6 (3.2%) 6) Number of the pupils with the past history of surgery was 362 (15.5%). The types of surgery of the causative diseases requiring surgery were as follows: ① Circumcision; 98 (4.2%)* ② Trauma; 73 (3.1%) ③ Tonsillectomy & Adenectomy; 46 (2.0%) ④ Inguinal herniectomy; 25 (1.1%) ⑤ Appendictomy; 10 (0.4%) ⑥ Intussusception; 10 (0.4%) 7) Number of the pupils with hearing disturbance was 498 (21.4%), with present illness of otitis media 19 (0.82%) and with the past history of otitis media 15 (0.64%). 8) Number of the pupils with visual disturbance was 498 (21.4%), with myopia 233 (10%), with hyperopia 49 (2.1%), with strabismus 16 (0.7%), color blindness 7 (0.3%). 9) Number of the pupils hoping to consult with the physicians were 446 (19.1%). The contents of their consultation were as follows: ① Dental problems; 81 (18.0%) ② Extremity pain; 56 (13.0%) ③ Abdominal pain; 52 (12.0%) ④ Skin disease; 34 (7.6%) ⑤ Headache; 30 (6.7%) 10) Number of the pupil sttended to school inspite of disease was 846 (36.3%). The caustive diseases were as follows: ① Upper respiratory infection; 217 (25.7%) ② Abdominal pain; 27 (3.2%) ③ Fever; 24 (2.8%) ④ Trauma; 8 (0.9%) ⑤ Infection (Measles, Mumps, Chicken pox et.); 6(0.7%)
Key Words: Disease status, Primary school, Present illness, Part history of diseases, Part history of hospitalization, Part history of surgery, Hearing disturbance

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