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Statistical Observation on Neonate

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1993;36(8):1080-1093.
Published online August 15, 1993.
Statistical Observation on Neonate
Dong Il Park, Chel Gi Kim, Jin Bok Hwang, Chang Ho Han, Hye Le Chung, Young Dae Kwon
Department of Pediatrics, Taegu Catholic University of Medicine, Taegu, Korea
신생아에 대한 통계적 고찰
박동일, 김철기, 황진복, 한창호, 정혜리, 권영대
대구가톨릭 의과대학 소아과학교실
A statistical obsevation was performed on 13,317 cases of neonates who had been delivered at Taegu Catholic Hospital during the past 3 years from Jan. 1 st 1988 to Dec. 31 st 1990. The results obtained were as follows: 1) Among 13,317 neonates, the male was 7,234 and the femlae 6,083, with the sex ratio of male to female being 1.19:1 2) Percentage distribution by birth weight was 5.6% for 2,500gm or less, 3.3% for 4,001 gm or more. The mortality rate was 8.4 per 1,000 live births and 61.1% for very low birth weight infants. 57.1% of neonatal death occured within 24 hours after birth and the most common cause of death was prematurity (53.6%) 3) The mean growth data at birth were as following: Weight: 3,253¡¾484gm in male, 3,160¡¾456gm in female; Height: 50.11¡¾2.59cm in male, 49.57¡¾2,50cm in female; Head circumference: 33.60¡¾1.74cm in male, 33.12¡¾1.64cm in female; Chest circumference : 32.83¡¾1.83cm in male, 32.41¡¾1.75cm in female. 4) Among 13,317 noenates, 352(2.6%) were under 37 wks and 555(4.2%)above 42 wks and 92.6% very low birth weight infants under 37 wks. 5) 44.2% of 13,317 neonates, was the highest-density distribution which was between 47.5~52.4cm by length and 3,001~3,500gm by weighing. 6) The admission rate was 13.7% and the causes of admission in order of frequency were neonatal infection (47.9%), premature or low birth weight infant(21.9%), neonatal jaundice(11.3%), asphyxia neonatorum(6.9%), respiratory disress syndrome (5.4%), etc. 7) Among all neonates, 2.2% had neonatal asphyxia (a 1-minute Apgar score of 6 or less). The highest incidence was 19.7% in the breech delivery group by delivery mode and 33.6% in the prematurity by gestational age. 8) The types of delivery in order of frequency were spontaneous vaginal delivery (72.5%), Cesarean section (21.9%), vacuum delivery(5.0%), breech delivery(0.5%)and forceps delivery(0.1%). 9) The incidence of twin babies was 182(91 pairs), 1.37% of all neonates, 1 pair per 145 neonates. Of all twins, 50.5% were below 2,500gm of birth weight and 20.9% premature. 10) The incidence of neonatal jaundice was 63.0%. Of icteric neonates, 8.2% had pathologic jaundice treated by phototherapy or exchange transfusion. 11) Among all neonates, there were 7,705 cases(57.9%) with high risk factors; the order of frequency was Cesarean section(37.8%), meconium stained(13.3%), premature rupture of membranes over 24 hours(12.7%), birth weight 2,500gm or less (9.6%), etc.
Key Words: Neonate, Statistical observation

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