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Comparison of Tuberculin Skin Test Results and Adberse Reactions Following BCG Vaccination In Various Infant Groups of Different Ages

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1993;36(9):1300-1307.
Published online September 15, 1993.
Comparison of Tuberculin Skin Test Results and Adberse Reactions Following BCG Vaccination In Various Infant Groups of Different Ages
In Seung Park, Dong Ki Han, Ho Joon Lim, Sung Hee Oh, Hahng Lee
Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Han Yang University, Seoul, Korea
영아에서 BCG접종 시기에 따른 결핵 피부 반응 양성률과 부작용
박인승, 한동기, 임호준, 오성희, 이항
한양대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
Most authorities including WHO recommended immununizing infants with BCG as early as possible in areas prevalent with tuberculosis, however the optimal time for immunization has not well been characterized. Therefore the investigation was undertaken by vaccinating various infant groups of different ages with BCG and subsequently evaluating for adverse effects and tuberculin reactions, in order to contribute to undestanding the optimal time for immunization. Four hundred eighty three fnfants from the newborn nursery and the well baby clinic of Hanyang University Hospital who had no family history of tuberculosis were divided into three groups; group I of infants immunized within 7 days after birth, group Ⅱ of infants immunized at about 1 month of age and groupⅢ of infants immunized at about 3 months of age. To each infant 0.1ml of BCG(Institute Merieux, France)was administered intradermaly and approximately 3 months later tuberculin skin test using 5 TU PPD(NIH, Korea)was performed. Adverse reactions following BCG vaccination such as temperature elevation, induration alone or with suppuration at or near the injection site, and lymph node enlargement were also analyzed. The summary of the results is as follows. 1) Distibution of diameters of induration on tuberculin skin test illustrated incomplete bimodal configuration in all three different age groups. The means±2 standard deviations of diameters of indurations distributed on the main bells were 10.07±4.52mm in group Ⅰ, 10.65±3.82mm in group Ⅱ, and 10.83±5.08mm in groupⅢ, and were not significantly different. 2) Criteria for positive tuberculin reaction was diameters of indurations equal to or greater than 6mm, 2 standard deviations below the mean values of diameters of indurations on the main bells. 3) The positive tuberculin reaction rates of 85.8% in groupⅡ and 88.6% in groupⅢ were significantly greater than 74.1% in roupⅠ. 4) Incidence of complications following BCG vaccination including temperature elevation, induration with suppuration, and localized lymphadenopathy was not different among three groups and the serious complications such as temperature elevation and lymphadenopathy were minimal. The data indicate that it is appropriate to immunize infants with BCG at about one month of age and the incidence of complications following BCG vaccination was not different among hree infant groups of different ages.
Key Words: BCG, Infant, Tuberculosis, Tuberculin test

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