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A Genetic Linkage Study of Wilson Disease in Korean Families

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1993;36(11):1596-1612.
Published online November 15, 1993.
A Genetic Linkage Study of Wilson Disease in Korean Families
Jong Won Kim1, Sang In Kim1, Jeong Kee Seo2
1Department of Clinical Pathology, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
2Department of Pediatrics, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
한국인 윌슨병 가족의 유전적 연관 분석에 관한 연구
김종원1, 김상인1, 서정기2
1서울대학교 의과대학 임상병리학교실
2서울대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
Wilson disease gene (WND) locus is presumed to be located in chromosome 13q. There are studies on the clinical heterogeneities and variations between ethnic groups in Europe, North America, and the Middle East and it requites the study of another ethnic group, especially Asian population for the confirmation. This study was an analysis of restriction fragment length polymorphism of the Wilson's disease with serum ceruloplasmin and the serum copper were also measured. The results were as follows : 1) The Wilson disease gene was also presumed to be located in chromosome 13q area in Korean patients and D13S25, D13S26, D13S31 and D13S59 gene loci were also linked to Wilson disease of Koreans. The lod score of D13S25 was 1.45(θ=0) : D13S31, 1.66(θ=0) : D13S59, 1.13(θ=0) : D13S26, 2.47(θ=0). 2) Three siblings of Wilson disease patients were diagnosed as carriers by the analysis of restriction fragment length polymorphism. 3) In Wilson disease patients, the serum ceruloplasmin and copper was 6.8+/-1.8mg/dl, and 64.7+/-38.6㎍/dl respectively and it is 18.8+/-6.1mg/dl and 65.3+/-10.6㎍/dl respectively in heterozygotes.
Key Words: Wilson disease, Restriction fragment length ploymorphism, Linkage analysis

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