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The Incidence of Allergic Disease among the Pediatric Outpatient

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1994;37(1):9-18.
Published online January 15, 1994.
The Incidence of Allergic Disease among the Pediatric Outpatient
Jeong Hee Kim, Jun Hee Park, Dae Hyun Lim, Soon Ki Kim, Byong Kwan Son
Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, In Ha University, Seongnam, Korea
소아과 외래환자중 알레르기질환 환자의 통계적 관찰
김정희, 박준희, 임대현, 김순기, 손병관
인하대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
The incidence of allergic disease in pediatric outpatient department of a hospital, where primary care is undertaking, was studied from Arp. 1, 1989 to Mar. 32, 1990. The results were as follows, 1) The incidence of respiratory tract disease was the highest with the value of 57.2% of the total patients, followsed by gastrointestinal tract disease (13.9%), infectious disease (6.7%), visit for preventive medicine (6.7%), allergic disease (3.0%), neurologic disease (2.9%), cardiovascular disease (2.8%) etc. 2) The allergic patients were 3.0% of total patient and sex ratio was M:F = 1.4:1. 3) The allergic patients were most prevalent in 1~3 years of age group (46.6%) followed by under 1 year old group (22.4%), and 4~6 years of group (21.3%). 4) The allergic disease was most prevalent in fall (42.8%), followed by spring (20.4%), and winter (19.0%). 5) Among the allergic disease, asthma was most frequent (67.4%), followed by allergic rhinitis (11.8%), atopic dermatitis (10.6%), urticaria (9.3%). 6) bronchial asthma was most frequent among 1~3 years of age group (40.9%) and in fall (34.8%). 8) Atopic dermatitis was most frequent among under 1 year of age group (64.4%) and in spring and winter (28.8%). 9) Urticaria was most frequent among 1~3 years of age group (36.5%) and in summer (32.7%) 10) The percentage of each allergic disease to the total outpatient was as follows; asthma (2.0%), allergic rhinitis (0.40%), atopic dermatitis (0.3%), urticaria (0.3%) 11) Sex ratio of each allergic disease was an follows; asthma (1.5:1), allergic rhinitis (1.6:1), atopic dermatitis (1.1:1), urticaria (1.4:1). With these findings, we ovserved that allergic disease is the fifth most common disease group among the pediatric out patients, covering 3.0% of total patients. Recently, we have had the idea that the prevalence of allergic disease is increasing remarkably. The findings of this study can be used as one of basic data for the study of prvalence and increase of allergic disease with further similar trials afterward.
Key Words: Prevalence of allergic disease, Outpatient

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